Sunday, April 8, 2012

Engagement Party

W&L Friends at our Engagement Party
Another month, another post. I will post again sooner, I will post again sooner...

Back in October, my parents hosted our engagement party at our home in Virginia. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better time with our family and closest friends. 

While we were planning it, we figured we would follow an autumn theme and color palette, since our wedding will be in the spring. Having it at the end of October fit as many people's schedules as we could, and being in VA, it is still pretty warm then. Well, usually...
Pretty clear-roofed tent, right?
Of course this particular weekend was freezing, forcing us to add walls to the clear tent. The above picture is looking into the tent from above in my parents' room the night before. The next day, however, it only got worse. In fact, it snowed first the first time I can remember in October in VA.

Thankfully, the snow just ended up making the night even more special. Everyone was able to get to our house, still, and it actually made the yard even prettier. So what if all the flowers my mom planted weren't seen once?

Makes you want to go swimming.
My parents had an amazing caterer pass delicious hors d'oeuvres and desserts the entire night. We also had a DJ in the tent that was great, despite his interesting YouTube video use. (At one point, I came out to the tent to the friends watching the DJ's laptop from the dance floor, following the moves to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." 'Cause why not?)

The entire evening went by in a complete blur. I feel like I saw everyone and talked to no one the whole night. It was just so great, though, to have everyone together, from family to friends from HS to W&L. It made us SO EXCITED for our actual wedding (which is in just over a year! EEK!).

Below are just some of my favorite pictures from the night. Looking back at these, what, 6 months later, makes this party seem like so long ago!

My bridesmaids (that could make it!) and me
Charlie and some of the North Carolina boys

Cutting the cake!

Our beautiful guestbook that was gifted to us.