Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Second Chance

Missed us? As (almost) all of you know, I had quite a health dilemma this past year. Very long story short, I'm now 6 months in remission and back to enjoying life in the city.

A TON has changed since my last post. The wedding date is now May 17, 2014 and we're back in planning mode. We've settled into our first apartment in the financial district and absolutely loving it (pictures soon!).

The biggest change? The Chance Man.

Chance is a beagle-pekingese mix who's a little over 6 months old. We're totally in love with him. He makes our apartment feel like home, and Charlie couldn't be happier he finally gave in to my pleading.

And now, picture overload:

The first night!

My favorite picture, even though he's grown so much since this.

The boys napping together.

Most current picture, casually snacking on the cashmere blanket.
I'll be back soon to share some more of our recent updates, but I figured this was a good first thing to share!

What is the saying? Puppies are the best medicine. Couldn't be more true.