Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bridesmaid Dolls

So I'm currently averaging a pitiful post a month. Promise to get better about this starting now.

I wanted to share how I asked my bridesmaids to be in the party! While Googling for ideas, I came across this blog post on Once Wed and I was obsessed. The package includes a card with a note and a paper doll chain with the entire bridal party, held together with a personalized paper band. Every other cute option, such as this funny card or this edible option didn't come close anymore.

I knew I could do something similar myself, but knew it wouldn't be nearly as adorable. Also, my NYC apartment doesn't have a kitchen table, making crafts a bit more difficult. I contacted the vendor who made the invitations for the blog, but they said they made it simply for the post and couldn't be hired to do so again.

This gave me my mission. I may have emailed every crafty paper store/invitation designer/anyone who had a business involving paper in the NYC metro area. At least ten either said no or gave me an outrageous price quote, but then the FABULOUS Minhee from Paper+Cup Design responded with a completely reasonable price.

She and I worked together to make the example I had seen online better for us. For example, I loved how each doll had a haircut to match the actual girl, but we took it a step further and gave the girls the right hair color. I also thought to put each girl's doll on the front of their specific card, so when they opened the package, they saw their name on top.

We were (and still are!) not positive of the style or color of the bridesmaid dresses, so we kept the example's pink dresses to make them girly. We changed the envelope and band, though, to match the color scheme and brown hair paper better.

I absolutely adore these cards and was so excited when the girls all got them. Thankfully, all of them agreed to be in the wedding, so I know I have the best party I could ever imagine!

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